• Question: what is you favourite carnivorous plant? i think i like a venus fly trap

    Asked by wookiee to Izzy on 17 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Isabel Webb

      Isabel Webb answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      My favourite used to be a venus fly trap – but now I think it’s the sundew. We have a pot of carnivorous plants in our lab (see my pictures on my profile) – and the sundew has grown loads since we got it! It is covered in lots of little droplets which catch the bugs – and we have seen lots of tiny flies on it which is cool.

      My friend bought me a venus fly trap for my 21st birthday and I LOVED it. Once it ate a moth, and I could see its wings and antennae sticking out the top – it was brilliant (although a bit sad for the moth…). I asked my parents to look after it for two weeks when I went on holiday, and they managed to kill it. I was pretty upset.

      You can buy some carnivorous plants in little pots from garden centres – they grow best in summer, so you should go grab some now whilst it gets nice and sunny! If you keep them in the bathroom they don’t even need watering – they get enough hydration from the steam (they shouldn’t be watered with tap water – it contains lots of things they don’t like).
