• Question: How do Siamese carp get so big!!! when there herbivores?

    Asked by to Amelia, Izzy, Sarah on 19 Mar 2014. This question was also asked by .
    • Photo: Isabel Webb

      Isabel Webb answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      The same question can be asked about pandas – they are h&e but only eat bamboo!

      Plants actually contain a large amount of nutrients that people often don’t realise. They contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates – so if you eat a lot you could still get big. Theoretically we should be able to get the same nutrients as we would from some beef as we would from eating all of the grass that the cow ate. But we would need to eat a lot. This is why pandas always seem to be eating!

    • Photo: Amelia Frizell-Armitage

      Amelia Frizell-Armitage answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      Many species that are herbivores are very big! Elephants for example, and Giraffes!

      They can grow this big by only eating plants because plants do actually contain a lot of energy and all nutrients that are needed to grow. Of course they don’t contain as much energy as meat, so you have to eat a lot of them!

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 20 Mar 2014:

      Elephants and the Blue Whale are big too! They are also vegetarian!

      The short answer is that they eat A Lot!
